33rd Ledebur Colloquium in Freiberg
by Urs Brandenberger
Every year in Freiberg, the tradition of the foundry industry meets its modernity and future. As every year, Visiometa makes its contribution.
Adolf Ledebur (1837-1906) was appointed Professor of Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering at the Freiberg Mining Academy in 1884. His lasting legacy in research into the eutectic iron-carbon system is the discovery of a fine-grained matrix as a result of the cooling of molten pig iron, consisting of perlite and cementite. This structure was named "ledeburite" in his honor.

In addition, the host of the event, the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, has honored its name by holding the Ledebur Colloquium every autumn since 1991. We at Visiometa took part as an exhibitor for the third time. Visiometa's software has been available to TUBAF students as a fast tool for casting design since 2022.

We congratulate Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michal Szucki on his appointment as the new Director of the Foundry Institute. He succeeds Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gotthard Wolf, whom we wish health and happiness in his retirement. We look forward to working with the Institute and to the upcoming Ledebur Colloquium 2025.